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A light railway track has been built to go through a hole in a residential 19-storey building in China.中国,一列轻轨从当地一幢19层的居民楼中穿越。The city of Chongqing in the south-east of the country has a population of 49 million packed into 31000 square miles causing urban planners to look creatively at solving space issues.坐落于中国东南部的重庆,人口4900万,面积31000平方英里,当地的规划者们使用了创造性的方法来解决问题空间问题。
A special railway station was built into the block of houses set into the sixth to eighth floors.一个尤其的轻轨站被修建在了一幢居民楼里的第六至第八层之间。Residents can hop on Chongqing Rail Transit No.2 at their own Liziba station.当地居民可以在李子坝站乘坐轻轨二号线。
Even though they are living in close quarters to a busy train station any noise has been muffled by special equipment.虽然他们生活在挤迫的轻轨站旁,但是轻轨站的噪音却被特种设备避免了。To homeowners in the complex the sound of the train is designed to be as disturbing as the noise from a dishwasher.对楼里的的居民来说,轻轨的噪音被设计成如同家里的洗碗机一样。By doing this planners avoided having to take the whole building down to make way for the train tracks.通过这种方式,规划者们防止了为了给轻轨停下来而被迫拆毁整幢建筑的问题。
A city transport spokesman said: Our city is very heavily built upon and that can make finding room for roads and railway lines a real challenge.一名城市交通发言人回应:“我们的城市建筑十分挤迫,寻找道路和轻轨线的建设空间显然是个挑战。